"what a life!" may mean differently to different people. it depends on the person's feeling. what about u? do u say it in a positive way or the negative one?
however, this was what i expected b4 i came here, so nothing interesting about that. what interested me more was not that beautiful nature, but the YELLOW lines along the sidewalk. some seniors who offered to come to guide me around gave different ideas to what purpose the lines were meant to serve. n at last the most logical n trustworthy claim was that they were made for blind or partially sighted people to step on. n of course it sounds really reasonable since on each line which is about 30 cm in width there r two kinds of embossed patterns, n u can feel them with ur soles. one pattern is a long bar shaped with round ends. this tells u that it is a straight line, n u can go forward. n the other pattern is round. this can tell u that it is a crossroad, or a turning point, or a stop at the traffic lights. seeing this n knowing it's purpose, i was really amazed at how thoughtful n kind japanese people were to those pitiful disabled people. n i wish we have that in our country too. with the help of these lines they can enjoy walking around taking fresh air, even though they cannot see beautiful things around. imagine if there were no these lines, how can they be able to walk alone without anyone's company? it may be hard, if possible. here in TUFS, there is a man who is visually impaired, but he can walk everywhere on his own. n he is taking classes here like other students. what is more, i've heard that he is even outstanding in his study. i really appreciate him. n he deserves to have good life as others. n to him i think the yellow lines r important to a large extent.